
Current events



Book review







Please find the profile Researches here, and for contact details for staff (experts) at "Contacts". 



 Prof. Dr. Andrea Tünde Barabás, Chief Counselor
Deputy Director

Dr. György Virág PhDChief Counselor

Report to the Director

Prof. em. Dr. László Korinek DSc Full member of HAS, Scientific Advisor


Andrea AriHead of Secretariat
Nóra ZarándiDeputy Head of Secretariat
Erika Petróné BalogOfficer

 Division of Criminal Law Sciences 

Dr. Anna Kiss PhD  Senior Research Fellow, Managing editor of Prosecution Bulletin
Dr. Petronella Deres PhD
 – Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Renáta Garai PhD, LL.M – Research Fellow
Dr. Gabriella Kármán PhD
 – Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Judit Szabó PhD – Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Katalin Tilki
 – Research Fellow

 Crime Research & Analysis Division 

Dr. László Tibor Nagy PhD – Head of Division, Senior Research Fellow, Chief Counselor
Dr. Orsolya Bolyky PhD – Deputy Head of Division, Senior Research Fellow
József Kó – Research Fellow
Ildikó Ritter – Research Fellow
Dr. Eszter Sárik PhD – Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Ágnes Solt PhD – Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Szandra Windt PhD – Senior Research Fellow , Chief Counselor 

 Division of Research Support, Documentation & International Relations

Marianna BalázsResearch assistant, coordinator (assistance in researches, event management)
Anna GiriczResearch assistant, Counselor (website, online relations, editorial assistance)
Irén JónásLibrarian
Gergely KoplányiStatistician

 Budgetary and Economic Division 

Éva SchillerHead of Division, Counselor
Andrea SchlachtaAccountant
Józsefné SzedlacsekClerk
Ferenc BereczkyTechnical staff
Péterné SzabóTechnical staff




Dr. József Gödöny DSc – Director, Honorary Associate Professor (1962–1991)

Dr. László Pusztai – Director, Honorary Associate Professor (1992–1996)

Dr. Ferenc Irk DSc – Director, Professor (1996–2006)

Dr. György Virág PhD Director, Chief Counselor (2006–2012)

Dr. György Vókó DSc – Director, Chief Counselor (2012–2021)


Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


12 June

Internal professional forum

Relationship between the accused and the victim

Presenter: Anna Kiss


The event is held in Hungarian.



Upcoming workshops
♦ Previous workshops

  • *18 07 2024., 08:52:11.