
Current events



Book review







14th Annual Conference of European Society of Criminology:

“Criminology of Europe: Inspiration by Diversity”

10th to 13th September 2014, Prague

OKRI Researchers' presentations at the ESC 2014

» Petra Bárd
The Social Conditions of the Effective Fight against Hate Crimes
» Katalin Parti
Efficacy and Outcomes Research on the MARC Model: A Year Long Study
» Katalin Parti – Andrea Schmidt – Bálint Néray – György Virág
Risk factors in bullying – TABBY Hungary




Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


12 June

Internal professional forum

Relationship between the accused and the victim

Presenter: Anna Kiss


The event is held in Hungarian.



Upcoming workshops
♦ Previous workshops

  • *08 07 2024., 09:53:31.