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MTA Research Centre of Social Studies,
Institute of Legal Studies 

OKRI magyar eles HIRLEVKP                                                                    mta tk jti 

I. Internet Encyclopaedia of Legal Science

II. Conference series


I. Internet Encyclopaedia of Legal Science

Over the last few decades, a general shift can be observed in the methods of publishing scientific knowledge towards online publication. The MTA TK Institute of Legal Sciences intends to create an online, openly accessible encyclopaedia of legal science (www.jogtudomá within the framework of a medium-term project.
In the context of academic cooperation between MTA TK JTI and OKRI, editors-in-chief András Jakab and Balázs Fekete invited Klára Kerezsi to become a member of the editorial board and to perform editing tasks on articles on the theme of criminology.
Between March 2014 and January 2015, the members of the editorial board prepared the list of terms recommended for their respective areas. Work began on developing a list of terms and consulting on them, clarifying individual problems and deciding on the final list of terms.
In the meantime, the list of terms in the Online Encyclopaedia of Legal Science was completed and consolidation of the list began.
At this time, the harmonisation of the article list relevant from the aspect of the relationship between criminology and criminal law is in progress. The articles relevant for both fields (e.g. crimes against property, recidivism etc.) are written under the supervision of both fields. This means that the editors agree on who the author or authors should be, and the editors of both sections check the draft text.


II. Conference series

“Old and New Points of Debate Concerning
the Fourth Criminal Code”

Hungary’s fourth Criminal Code, Act C of 2012, entered into force on 1 July 2013. Professional and scientific discussions always intensify directly prior to and after the entry into force of a new Criminal Code. The National Institute of Criminology and the MTA TK Institute of Legal Sciences joined that debate and organised a conference series under the title of “Old and New Points of Debate Concerning the Fourth Criminal Code”.
The conference series did not only present the new features of the Criminal Code but also intended to provide an opportunity to reconsider questions on the interpretation of the law, which had appeared in Hungarian criminal law as the legacy of former codes.

Contact person and organisers:
   On behalf of OKRI, Dr. habil. A. Tünde Barabás, head of department
   On behalf of MTA TK JTI, Dr. Miklós Hollán PhD, scientific senior fellow

Four conferences were held in the series, dedicated to the following topics:

I. The basis of responsibility under criminal law
25 June 2014, venue: OKRI, 1122 Budapest, Maros u. 6/a.
  • Need and proportionality of legitimate defence
    (Dr. Ádám Mészáros, OKRI)
  • Situational legitimate defence
    (Dr. Ákos Ujvári, PPKE JÁK–Budapest Court of Appeal)
  • Preventive legitimate defence
    (Dr. Petra Bárd, OKRI)
  • The ultimate need
    (Dr. Miklós Hollán, MTA TK JTI)
  • Continued and new dogmatic problems in the unity/majority study
    (Dr. István Ambrus, SZTE ÁJK) 
II. Fundamental issues in the system of criminal law sanctions
16 September 2014, venue: MTA TK JTI, 1014 Budapest, Országház u. 30.
  • Whole life imprisonment
    (Dr. Balázs Gellér, ELTE)
  • The three strikes
    (Dr. Ádám Békés, PPKE)
  • Changes in the substantive law regulation of sanctions in the mirror of the new Criminal Code
    (Dr. Szilvia Antal, Metropolitan Prosecution Organisation)
  • The place and role of repentance in the Hungarian criminal system
    (Dr. A. Tünde Barabás, OKRI–NKE-RTK)
  • Bans from visiting sporting events
    (Dr. Zoltán Borbély, PPKE – József Kovács, MLSZ)
III. Main issues of crimes against individuals
26 November 2014, OKRI, 1122 Budapest, Maros u. 6/a.
  • Certain regulatory history issues in the crime of bodily harm
    (Dr. Petronella Deres, OKRI)
  • Changes in the regulation of homicide in the new Criminal Code 
    (Dr. Orsolya Bolyky, OKRI)
  • Sexual crimes in the new Criminal Code – good directions and codification errors 
    (Dr. Zsolt Szomora, SZTE ÁJTK)
  • Old problems and innovative solutions in relation to transport crimes 
    (Dr. Zoltán Czencz, Pest County General Prosecutor’s Office)
  • “Something old - something new?” Ideas about crime against property
    (Dr. Sándor Madai, University of Debrecen ÁJK)
  • False freedom. Issues of decriminalisation carried out within the framework of copyright infringements
    (Dr. István Ott, Chief Prosecutor’s Office)
IV.   Main issues of crimes against community interests
14 May 2015, venue: MTA TK JTI, 1014 Budapest, Országház u. 30.
  • The cartel crime
    (Dr. Pál Sinku, Office of the Prosecutor General)
  • Crimes infringing the interests of consumers
    (Dr. Ádám Békés, PPKE)
  • Budget fraud
    (Dr. Judit Jacsó, University of Miskolc ÁJK)
  • Crimes against the environment and nature 
    (Dr. László Kőhalmi, PTE ÁJK)
  • Bankruptcy crimes 
    (Dr. József Gula, University of Miskolc ÁJK)
  • Crimes against the public peace
    (Dr. Szabolcs Hornyák, PTE ÁJK)
  • Corruption crimes 
    (Dr. Éva Inzelt, ELTE ÁJK)
  • Money laundering and practice and the new Criminal Code
    (Dr. Ádám Mészáros – Dr. Gabriella Kármán – Dr. Katalin Tilki, OKRI)








Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


30 October

Internal professional forum

Examination of the crime of extortion

Presenter: László Tibor Nagy


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *16 10 2024., 09:30:30.