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Dr. Szandra Windt PhD E-mail: Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát. |
Main research subjects
» | Trafficking in Human beings |
» | Situational Crime Prevention |
» | Irregular migration |
» | Cross border crimes |
» | Human smuggling |
Current research projects
2021 | • | ’Corruption risk, risk of corruption? Distinguishing criteria between petty and high-ranking corruption’ project (101014783 — CRITCOR) (https://critcor.okri.hu/) |
• | Criminological and sociological characteristics of child prostitution | |
• | Criminological and sociological background of crimes against vulnerable persons | |
• | Law enforcement models to increase the effectiveness of the fight against trafficking in human beings | |
2020 | • | Criminological and sociological characteristics of child prostitution |
• | Criminological characteristics of the crime of human trafficking based on criminal cases conducted in Hungary | |
2019 | • | Characteristics of Human Trafficking Cases, Criminal, Criminological and Sociological Evaluation of Exploitation |
2015 | • | “Multilevel Community Police Network for Collaborative Crime Prevention” project (joint research with ORFK) |
• | The concept of trafficking in human beings and exploitation, criminal instruments for combating these phenomena | |
2014 | • | "Study of the risk of burglary of Hungarian buildings with the participation of criminals" Empirical study of situational crime prevention with perpetrators of home burglaries (joint research with ORFK) (with Tünde Barabás) |
• | Opportunities for research on the personnel of the penitentiary organization (TÁMOP 5.6.3 project) (with Tünde Barabás) | |
2013 | • | Preparation of the statistical reform concerning criminal justice (with Tünde Barabás and József Kó) |
2012 | • | Mediation and restorative justice in prison settings III. (MEREPS project, JLS/2008/JPEN/015) |
• | The chances of the inmates’ exit and their reintegration opportunities after release from prisons I. (longitudinal study) | |
• | How can peacemaking circles be implemented in countries governed by the principle of legality? (PMC project) I. | |
• | Juvenile crime, punishment and prisons in Hungary | |
2011 | • | Mediation and restorative justice in prison settings II. (MEREPS project, JLS/2008/JPEN/015) |
• | The Role of Human Factor in Situational crime prevention | |
• | The Opinions of the Inhabitants of Budapest about criminality and Restorative Justice | |
2010 | • | Mediation and restorative practices in prison settings II. (MEREPS project, JLS/2008/JPEN/015) |
• | The criminological characteristics of the crimes against intellectual property – crime statistics analysis | |
• | Attitude research: what do the students of faculty of law think about the Mediation and Restorative Justice? II. | |
• | The opinions of the people of Budapest on the restorative justice, crime and punishment | |
2009 | • | Mediation and restorative practices in prison settings I. (MEREPS project JLS/2008/JPEN/015) |
• | The characteristics of foreign victims in Hungary between 2000 and 2007 | |
• | Mediation according to the Prosecutor. The experiences of the second year | |
• | The characteristics of the burglary between 1998 and 2008 | |
• | Attitude research: what do the students of faculty of law think about the Mediation and Restorative Justice? I. | |
2008 | • | The efficiency of the postponement of the accusation – empirical research (II.) |
• | Constructed environment crime situational crime prevention: Situational and environmental prevention in housing estates (introduction of six housing estates) | |
• | The possibilities of mediation as the instrument in the prison | |
• | Mediation according to the Prosecutor. The experiences of the first year | |
2007 | • | The characteristics of ’moving crime’ between 1998 and 2005 in Hungary |
• | The efficiency of the postponement of the accusation – empirical research, file analising | |
• | The offenders and victims of the Human smuggling in Hungary | |
• | The criminological characteristics of the illegal migration in four European countries (Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain) | |
2006 | • | Schengen and Hungary, cross border crimes |
2005 | • | A new research about the Human smuggling in Hungary |
2004 | • | Situational Crime prevention in the frame of AGIS (The name of the project: Crime Prevention Carousel) Sharing good practices in Crime Prevention based on the evaluation of rehabilitative schemes in the rehabilitation areas in Member and Accessiant State. Crime Prevention Carousel – CPC (Project JAI/2004/AGIS/164) |
2002/03 | • | Domestic violence; COST A21, Restorative Justice and its characteristics all around Europe from 2002; The opportunities of the restorative justice in healing the crime; From 2002 Victims and Opinions – a very big, cross national research in the Hungarian population. |
2002 | • | Falcone-project – about the connection between the Human smuggling and trafficking in Europe |
Highligted publications
1. | Windt, Szandra: The unspoken phenomenon: forced labour in Hungary Archives of Criminology, vol. 43, no. 1, 2021, pp. 119–141 |
2. | Windt Szandra: A gyermekek szexuális kizsákmányolásáról Ügyészségi Szemle, 2020/4., pp. 42–53 |
3. | Windt, Szandra – Deres, Petronella (2020): The characteristics of trafficking in human beings in Hungary and Romania / Charakterystyka zjawiska handlu ludźmi na Węgrzech i w Rumunii | |
4. | Windt Szandra: Gondolatok az emberkereskedelemről [Thoughts on trafficking in human beings] Miskolci Jogi Szemle, 14. évfolyam, 2019. 2. különszám 2. kötet, 459–469. o. |
5. | In the frame of ’Referral Of And Assistance For Victims Of Human Trafficking In Europe’ (RAVOT-EUR) project writing and editing the Informational Manual (2015) http://www.ravot-eur.eu/en/file-download/234 | |
6. | Windt Szandra: Az emberkereskedelem jelensége és a fellépés nehézségei In: Hautzinger Zoltán (szerk.): Migráció és Rendészet. Magyar Rendészettudományi Társaság, Migrációs Tagozat, Budapest, 2015, 241–254. o. |
7. | Windt Szandra: Rendészeti stratégiák, avagy rendőrség és bűnmegelőzés In: Hack Péter – Király Eszter – Korinek László – Patyi András (szerk.): Gályapadból laboratóriumot. Tanulmányok Finszter Géza professzor tiszteletére. Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest, 2015, 91–106. o. |
8. | Windt Szandra: A modellkörlet kialakításában részt vevő intézetek személyi állományával készült interjúk összegzése In: Csóti András (szerk.): Körletmozaikok 2015. BVOP, Budapest, 2015, 111–126. o. |
9. | Szabó Henrik – Windt Szandra: A problémaorientált rendészet szerepe az ismételt áldozattá válás megelőzésében Magyar Rendészet, 2013/2., 151–166. o. |
10. | Windt Szandra: 2013, az emberkereskedelem elleni fellépés éve Magyarországon Belügyi Szemle, 2014/1., 58–74. o. |
Professional experiences
2002– |
National Institute of Criminology |
Education and courses
2004/08 | PhD studies at the Miskolc University, Faculty of Law Topic: The criminological characteristics of the irregular migration |
2002/04 | Pázmány Péter Catholic University, European Studies | |
1996/2001 | Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Sociology |
Scholarships and Awards
2021/24 | Hungarian Academy of Sciences’s Bolyai János Research Fellowship | |
2015 | Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany | |
2008 | Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany |
Professional Awards and Honors
2023 | Award for the Defence of Human Dignity – Ministry of Culture and Innovation | |
2010 | Certificate in recognition of his outstanding work for the Hungarian Society of Police Sciences | |
2005 | Certificate of Merit | |
2003 | Certificate of Merit |
2010– | Member of Presidency, Hungarian Society of Police Sciences, Migration Department |
2009– | Member of the Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences | |
2008– | Member of Section of Victimology (Hungarian Society of Criminology) | |
1999– | Member of Hungarian Society of Criminology |
Language skills
English – fluent
German – intermediate
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