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kerezsi 2014  

Prof. Dr. Kerezsi Klára DSc

Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


 Main research subjects 

»  restorative justice
» crime prevention
» criminal policy
» juvenile criminality
» labour in the public interest
» criminal sanctions in general
» alternative sanctions in criminal law
» imprisonment
» crime and criminality among minorities

 Current research projects & activities 

2015    “Police supply vs fear of crime at disadvantaged small towns in Hungary”
(Ministry of Home Affairs, Research Council)
2014/16   “Encyclopedia of Law Project” – editor of the topics and articles of criminology (in co-operation with Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies)
2014   “The Conflicts of Social Distance: Criminological Aspects of Roma and Non-Roma Coexistence” (National Institute of Criminology, Scientific Board)
2014   “The role of probation supervision in crime prevention” (General Prosecutor Office)
2012/16   2012/16
EU COST Action No. IS1106 “Offender Supervision in Europe” (OS), member of the Managing Committee
2012/16   “Crime Prevention through Urban Design and Planning” (CP-UDP) (COST Action Program, No. TU1203)
2012/14   “Corruption as a crime from the view point of the Criminal Justice System” (OTKA Research Program, No. 106011)
2010/12   “Criminological cross-sectional study among juvenile boys born in Budapest” (OTKA Research Program, No. 81615)
2009/10   “The costs of crime and criminal justice” Research Project (in collaboration with EUCPN (EU Crime Prevention Network and Home Office/University of York, UK)
2004/07   • The efficiency of the Hungarian juvenile justice system
• International Self-report Delinquency study (ISRD-2)
• Researching restorative justice: innovative means in the Hungarian criminal justice system
• Probation order behavioural requirements in practice
• Control or Support: Dilemmas of Alternative Sanctions in Contemporary Crime Control Policy
2000/03   • Human Safety in Central-Eastern Europe
„Victims and Opinions” – National Victimization Survey
• Criminology and Crime Control Policy
• Elaborating the National Social Crime Prevention Strategy
• Conception for Reshaping Hungarian Probation Service
• The role and function of community sanctions in the structure of penal law
1997/99   • Crime Prevention Models (Action Research in three Districts of Budapest)
• Resettlement Work of Probation Services
• Possibilities of Community Crime Prevention in the 5th District of Budapest
• The costs of alternative sanctions to imprisonment
• Comprehensive structure of Crime Prevention System (Conception of the Hungarian Crime Control Policy)
1992/96   • The Human Rig hts Issue in the Practice of Handling Mental Illness Patients
• The sentencing practice of non-custodial sanctions and Probation Service
• New tendencies of crime and social reactions: crime prevention and crime control policy
• Criminal Policy and alternative sanctions
• Crime Prevention Aspects of the Work of the Family Assistance Centres and the Probation Services
• Social conditions and juvenile crime
• Victims of violent and property crimes in the 15th District of Budapest
• Child Abuse in Hungary
• Sexual crimes and minor age victims
• Children at Risk: Offences against the Rights and Interests of Children

 Professional experiences 

   Scientific Counselor, National Institute of Criminology
2012/14   Senior Researcher, Crime Research Department, National Institute of Criminology
2006/12   Acting Deputy (Research) Director, National Institute of Criminology
1998/2006   Head, Crime Research Department, National Institute of Criminology
1996/97   Senior Research Fellow, National Institute of Criminology
1995/96   Head, Research and Investigation Dept., Parliamentary Commissioners’ Office
1992/95   Senior Research Fellow, National Institute of Criminology
1981/92   Research Fellow, National Institute of Criminology
1978/81   Prosecutor Trainee, Prosecutor Office, Budapest

 Professional qualification 

2014   Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2007   Habilitation, ELTE University Faculty of Law
1993   CSc in Criminology 1993, MTA (Hungarian Academy of Science)
1981   Judge/Prosecutor Bar Exam, Ministry of Justice [“Excellent”]
1978    MSc in Law, Eötvös Univ., Faculty of Law, Budapest [“Summa Cum Laude”]

 Educational activities / Teaching positions 

  Professor of Criminology, National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement
Course: “Policing in Europe” MA (CEPOL)
2000/14   Associate Professor, Eötvös Univ. Faculty of Law, Dept. of Criminology
Courses: “Criminology”; “Crime control policy and alternative sanctions”; “Probation work with juvenile offenders”
PhD Courses: “Criminological research in practice”; “New crime theories – Post-modern criminal policy”; “Restorative Justice” (research seminar)
2003/04   Chair of Criminology Dept, Faculty of Law, Eötvös University
1999/2000   Associate Professor, Debrecen Univ., Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law Course: “Criminology”
1986/99   Guest Lecturer, Eötvös University, Institute of Sociology and Social Policy, Department of Social Policy
Course: “Deviancy and Law”
1993/2001   Guest Lecturer, DOTE University, Medical College, Department of Social Work
Course: “Crime and Criminology”
1996/97   Guest Lecturer, Wesley Social Work College 
Course: “Crime, Juvenile Justice, Minor Victims”
1992/93    Guest Lecturer, Eötvös University, Faculty of Law, Department of Criminology
Course: “Minor-age victims”


2006/12    • Member of the Scientific Committee, International Society of Criminology
2004   • Vice-president, Hungarian Society for Criminology
• Member of the Board, Hungarian Society for Criminology
• Committee Member, Codification Committee on Penal Code, Ministry of Justice
2002   • MC Member, EU AGIS Committee
• Individual member, European Society of Criminology
2000   • Member of the Editorial Board, „Acta Facultatis Politico-Iuricicae Univ. Sc.
Budapestiensis”, Eötvös University, Faculty of Law
2000/04   • EU COST A18 (Restorative Justice Development in Europe) MC member
1997   • Individual member, PRI (Penal Reform International)
1996/02   • Permanent European Conference on Probation and Aftercare (CEP),
individual member
1992/02   • Hungarian Society of Criminology, Secretary

 Awards and Honors  

2002   Vámbéry Rusztem Award I., Hungarian Society for Criminology
2001   Certificate of Merit, Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Hungary
1994   Vámbéry Rusztem Award II., Hungarian Society for Criminology
1993    Certificate of Merit, Prosecutor General of the Republic of Hungary






konferencia                     Papers Presented, Expert Meetings,
                    Membership of the
 Conference Organising Committee



• Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm Criminology Symposium
“Public opinion on safety and crime prevention”
(workshop moderator; presentation)
• Vienna, Austria: Intergovernmental Expert Group Meeting on United Nations
Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Expert Meeting)
• Budapest, Hungary: CEP Seminar: Setting up a probation service in Central and Eastern Europe (workshop moderator)


• Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA,
14th World Congress of Criminology (International Society of Criminology)
„Criminal Justice Reform in Hungary” (invited evening lecture speaker)
• Budapest, Hungary – Crime Prevention Strategies (UK Presidency Conference)
(Member of Steering Committee)


• Vienna, Austria: Intergovernmental Expert Group Meeting on United Nations
Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Expert Meeting)
• Bitola, Macedonia: Workshop for introducing the alternative measures
(community service order and home detention) in Macedonia (Ministry of Justice,
Macedonia/Open Society Institute, Macedonia) (invited expert)


• Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 13th World Congress on Criminology (paper)
• Miskolc, Hungary: 65th Regional Congress on Criminology
(Member of the Organising Committee; presentation)
• Turin, Italy: UN Expert Expert Meeting on World Crime and
Justice Report 2004/5 (UN ODCP; UNICRI) (expert meeting)


Vancouver, Canada: UN Expert Meeting on crime prevention –
UN Office DCCP Centre for International Crime Prevention/
Government of Canada (expert meeting)


• Budapest, Hungary: Migration and Violence, EU COST A18, Working Group 3
• Budapest, Hungary: Joint Meetings of the Law and Society Association and
Research Committee on Sociology of Law (paper)

2000   • Tallinn, Estonia: 13th Baltic Criminological Seminar (paper)

• Montreal, Canada: Crime Prevention: Harnessing What Works
(International Centre for the Prevention of Crime) (conference organiser)
• Egham, United Kingdom: International Penal Reform Conference


• Popowo, Poland: International Seminar on Penal Reform in Eastern and
Central Europe and Central Asia (expert meeting)
• Amsterdam, The Netherlands: CEP Congress on Alternative Sanctions
• South-Korea: 12th World Congress on Criminology (paper)


• Vancouver B.C., Canada: Towards World Change: Setting the Stage for
Community Safety”


• Budapest, Hungary: 11th World Congress on Criminology
(Member of the Organising Committee)
• Sydney, Australia: Family Justice System (paper)

1992   • Bergen, Norway: Children at Risk (paper)





Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


30 October

Internal professional forum

Examination of the crime of extortion

Presenter: László Tibor Nagy


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *16 10 2024., 09:30:30.