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viraggyorgy 2016

        Dr. György Virág PhD    

Position: Deputy Director, Chief Counsellor
Key qualifications: Clinical Psychologist, Lawyer

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 Main research subjects 

» Criminal psychology
»  Rehabilitation of offenders
» Victims of sexual violence
» Domestic violence
» Media and Crime

 Current research projects 

2021  • Sexual offences against children
   • The impact of the Covid epidemic on changes in domestic violence
2019   Female criminology
2018/19   Criminal psychology
2017  • Interviewing children at different stages of the criminal procedure
   • Difficulties in proving sexual crimes committed by juvenile offenders
2015/16    Current characteristsics of violent sexual criminality in Hungary
2012/14   TABBY: Threat Assessment of Bullying Behaviour in Internet among Youth
International project
2013   Legal and political views of handling and treatment offered for sexual offenders in Eastern   European Countries
Expert with the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg i.Br., Germany
2010/11   Sexual abuse of children on Internet
2009/11   Media and Justice
Media representation of Crime and Youth

 Highlighted publications 

»   Szabó, Judit – Virág, György: Love in the Time of Pandemic. Domestic violence during the first wave of COVID-19 in Hungary
Belügyi Szemle, 2022, Special Issue 1., pp. 7–34.
»   György Virág: Interpreted interviews with highly vulnerable children: definitions and vulnerability factors
In: Heidi Salaets, Katalin Balogh (eds.): Children and Justice: Overcoming Language Barriers. Cambridge: Intersentia, 2015, pp. 74–93.
»   György Virág – Eric Van der Mussele – Christiane Driesen: Joint training
In: Heidi Salaets & Katalin Balogh (eds.): Children and Justice: Overcoming Language Barriers. Cambridge: Intersentia, 2015. pp. 313-326.
»   Katalin Parti – Judit Szabó – György Virág: Sex offenders in Hungary: Law, Treatment and Statistics
In: Bingzhi Zhao (ed.): Toward Scientific Criminal Law Theories: CCLS Tenth Anniversary Anthology of papers from International Academic Partners. Beijing: Law Press China, 2015, pp. 1011–1022.
»   Katalin Parti – Andrea Schmidt – Bálint Néray – Virág György: TABBY in Internet: The Assessment of the Volume of Cyberbullying Among Students, and School Mentor Training in Hungary (2011–2014)
In: Bingzhi Zhao (ed.): Toward Scientific Criminal Law Theories: CCLS Tenth Anniversary Anthology of papers from International Academic Partners. Beijing: Law Press China, 2015, pp. 840–850.
»   Katalin Parti – Judit Szabó – György Virág: Sex offenders in Hungary
Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, vol. 97, no. 1, 2014, pp. 57–69. 
»   György Virág: What are we talking when we are talking about sexuality?
Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, vol. 97, no. 1, 2014, pp. 7–9.
»   György Virág: Crime Trends in the Western World and in Hungary in the Last Five Decades
Criminal Law Review, vol. 37, 2014, pp. 370–391.
»   György Virág – Katalin Parti: Sweet Child in Time. On Sexual Abuse of Children – A Research Exploration
The Open Criminology Journal, vol. 4, 2011, pp. 71–90.
»   György Virág: Sexual abuse
In: Ferenc Irk (ed.): Victims and Opinions I. Budapest: OKRI, 2004, pp. 75–88.

 Professional experiences 

♦ National Institute of Criminology

• February 2012/present
Position held: deputy director
Main activities and responsibilities:
Responsible for assisting the director and substituting for him, if necessary. Supervising the administrative/logistic activity. 
• 2006–2012
Position held: director
Main activities and responsibilities:
Responsible for providing leadership to the professional activity of the National Institute of Criminology and for management of its human, material, and financial resources. Complete annual research plans and research reports for the Scientific Board. Report to the Deputy Prosecutor General.
• 1996–2006
Position held: deputy director
Main activities and responsibilities:
Responsible for assisting the director and substituting for him, if necessary. Supervising the administrative/logistic activity. 
• 1990–1996
Position held: head of division
Main activities and responsibilities:
Primary responsibilities included directing NIC’s international relations and co-operations as well as organizing the education at the Institute. Secondary responsibilities involved supervising the library, the documentary and administrative (‘back office’) activity.
• 1984–1990 – research fellow
• 1982–1984 – junior research fellow

  ♦ 2011/present
Name and address of employer: ELTE University, Egyetem tér 1-3, H-1053 Budapest
Position held: associate professor
Main activities and responsibilities: teaching criminal psychology at the Criminology MA course as course leader, and criminology for law students at the undivided MA training

  ♦ 1990/2015
Name and address of employer: ESZTER Clinic, Villányi út 113 H-1118 Budapest
Position held: director
Main activities and responsibilities: Responsible for directing a small outpatient counselling and psychotherapy centre for the survivors of sexual abuse and assault, run by the ESZTER Foundation.
Sector: Health and Victim Support

  ♦ 1990–1995
Name and address of employer: Psychiatric and Psychotherapeutic Ward of the St Rokus Hospital, Budapest, Hungary
Occupation: part-time psychotherapist
Main activities and responsibilities: Working with psychiatric patients (mainly diagnosed as psychotics or borderlines) in a psychotherapeutical community system as a ward psychotherapist, responsible for individual and group therapy.
Sector: Health

  ♦ 1992–1994
Name and address of employer: Budapest Training Staff Assessment and Professional Training Company, Budapest, Hungary
Occupation: part-time trainer
Main activities and responsibilities: Responsible for running staff recruiting programmes (assessment centres) and business trainings.
Sector: Education

  ♦ 1989–1990
Name and address of employer: Parkside Clinic (Parkside Health Auth.), London, UK
Occupation: part-time psychotherapist
Main activities and responsibilities: Working with patients at an outpatient NHS clinic on an honorary post, responsible for assessment interviews and individual sessions.
Sector: Health

  ♦ 1989–1990
Name and address of employer: The Inner City Centre, London, UK
Occupation: part-time psychotherapist
Main activities and responsibilities: Working with patients at an outpatient centre run by a charity, responsible for individual and group therapy sessions.
Sector: Health

  ♦ 1987–1989
Name and address of employer: Special Treatment Ward of the Medium and Minimum Security Prison, Baracska, Hungary
Occupation: part-time psychotherapist
Main activities and responsibilities: Working with prisoners with substance abuse before sentencing, or adaptation and any other mental/emotional disturbances. Responsible for group therapy sessions.
Sector: Criminal Justice/Prison system

  ♦ 1982–1984
Name and address of employer: Chief Prosecution's Department, Budapest, Hungary
Occupation: junior prosecutor
Main activities and responsibilities: Working in different district and city prosecutor offices, responsible for assisting the senior prosecutors.
Sector: Criminal Justice

 Education and courses 

1997/2001     Title of qualification awarded: PhD
PhD Thesis done on Victimology (‘Victims of Sexual Violence’)
Miskolc University Faculty of Law, Miskolc, Hungary
1993/1995    Title of qualification awarded: Clinical Psychologist
Haynal Imre University of Health Sciences (HIETE), Budapest, Hungary 
1990/1997    Title of qualification awarded: Training in Psychoanalysis
Hungarian Psychoanalytical Association, Budapest, Hungary
1989/1990    Title of qualification awarded: Course on Psychotherapy of Sexual Deviances
Portman Clinic, London, UK
1989/1990   Title of qualification awarded: 3rd year of the Training Course in Psychotherapy
Lincoln Centre and Institute for Psychotherapy, Lndon, UK
1987/1992    Title of qualification awarded: Group analyst
Group-analytic Training Centre, Budapest, Hungary
1982/1984    Title of qualification awarded: Judge and prosecutor
Ministry of Justice, Budapest, Hungary
1981/1987    Title of qualification awarded: Master’s Degree in Psychology
Master’s Thesis done on Social Psychology (‘Impression Management and Fraud’)
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Faculty of Arts, School of Psychology, Budapest, Hungary
1977/1982    Title of qualification awarded: Master’s Degree in Law and Political Sciences
Master’s Thesis done on Legal Theory (‘Legal consciousness and Mass media’)
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Budapest, Hungary 

 Scholarships and Awards 

2017   Freiburg, Germany
Research Scholarship at the Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg
2016    Freiburg, Germany
Research Scholarship at the Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg
2012   Freiburg, Germany
Research Scholarship at the Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg
2011   Freiburg, Germany
Research Scholarship at the Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg
2007   Bukarest, Romania
’Combating Child Sexual Exploitation’: One week training course organized by CEOP (UK’s Child Exploitation and Online protection Centre) on the nature and extent of child sexual abuse, the perpetrators, child trafficking, offender management
1999   Warsaw, Poland
Training on handling extreme social phenomenon
1996   Liverpool, UK
British Know How Fund study-tour at the Merseyside Police Training Centre on the training of police officers dealing with sexual violence
1995   London, UK
British Council Study-tour on Victimology
1989   Helsinki, Finland
HEUNI scholarship

 Professional Awards and Honors 

2011   Vámbéry Rusztem Medal 1st degree, Hungarian Society of Criminology
2008   Kozma Sándor Award (Chief Prosecutor)
1998    Award of the Minister of Interior

 Educational activities 


ELTE University Law Faculty Department of Criminology
Subjects: Criminal Psychology, Criminology


»  Hungarian Society of Criminology (MKT) – Vice-President, Member of the Board
» Association of Hungarian Lawyers for the European Criminal Law (MAJEB) – General Secretary, Member of the Board

 Language skills 

English – excellent command (reading and writing intermediate, oral advanced)
Russian – basic communication skills (elementary)



konyv           PUBLICATIONS    
The Hungarian Scientific Bibliography) 







Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


12 June

Internal professional forum

Relationship between the accused and the victim

Presenter: Anna Kiss


The event is held in Hungarian.



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♦ Previous workshops

  • *18 07 2024., 08:52:11.