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Book review







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Dr. Judit Szabó JD, PhD

Senior Research Fellow
Division of Criminal Law Sciences

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 Main research subjects 

» desistance from crime, prevention of reoffending
» sexual violence
» criminological psychology

 Main research projects 

2021   The link between paedophilia and sexual crimes committed against children
2021   The impact of natural disasters and pandemics on domestic violence
2019/2020   The effect of personality disorder on criminal liability, with special regard to psychopathy
2018   Sexual violence against minors under the age of twelve
2015/2017    The actual characteristics of violent sexual crime in Hungary
2014   Tertiary prevention and desistance from crime among probationers
2012   Effective Environmental Strategies for the prevention of Alcohol Abuse among Adolescents in Europe (AAA-prevent project II.)
2011   Desistance from crime and the prevention of reoffending: treatment programs in Hungarian penal institutions (empirical review and evaluation

 Selected publications 

1.   Klára Kerezsi – Judit Szabó: From Need-Based to Control-Based Rehabilitation: The Hungarian Case
In: Vanstone, M., Priestley (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Rehabilitation in Criminal Justice. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillyan Ltd. (2022) pp. 237–256
2.   Judit Szabó – György Virág: Love in the Time of Pandemic. Domestic violence during the first wave of COVID-19 in Hungary
Belügyi Szemle, 70 (1) Special Issue (2022), pp. 7–34
3.   Szabó Judit: A személyiségzavar, különösen a pszichopátia hatása a büntetőjogi felelősségre [The effect of personality disorder on criminal responsibility with special regard to psychopathy]
Börtönügyi Szemle 2021/1., pp. 25-40.
4.   Barabás A. Tünde – Szabó Judit: Theoretical analyses of criminal cases initiated due to offences of illegal use of human body
Belügyi Szemle, vol. 68, no. 3, 2020, Special Issue, pp. 9–21.
5.   Szabó Judit: Speciális prevenció és dezisztencia [Special prevention and desistance]
Országos Kriminológiai Intézet, Budapest, 2019
6.   Szabó Judit: A tizenkét éven aluliak sérelmére elkövetett szexuális erőszak egy aktakutatás eredményei tükrében [Sexual violence against minors under the age of twelve in light of the results of a research based on criminal case-file analysis]
In: Kriminológiai Közlemények 79. Magyar Kriminológiai Társaság, Budapest, 2019, 43–64. o.
7.   Szabó Judit: Biológiai és pszichológiai bűnözésmagyarázatok [Biological and psychological explanations of crime]
In: Borbíró Andrea – Gönczöl Katalin – Kerezsi Klára – Lévay Miklós (szerk.): Kriminológia. Wolters Kluwer, Budapest, 2016, 78–109. o.
8.    Katalin Parti – Judit Szabó – György Virág: Sex offenders in Hungary
Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, vol. 97, no. 1, 2014, pp. 57–69. 
9.    Borbíró Andrea, Szabó Judit: Harmadlagos megelőzés a magyar büntetés-végrehajtási intézetekben a nemzetközi kutatások fényében [The practice of tertiary prevention in Hungarian penal institutions in light of international research findings]
In: Vókó Gy. (szerk.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok 49. OKRI, Budapest, 2012, 158–192. o. 
10.    Szabó Judit: A bűnismétlés megelőzését célzó rehabilitációs programok tapasztalatai: Mi működik, és mi nem [Experiences with offender rehabilitation programs: What works and what doesn’t]
Alkalmazott Pszichológia, 2012/3, 49–60. o. 

 Professional experiences  


National Institute of Criminology
2018/present   Division of Criminal Law Sciences
2010–2017      Crime Research & Analysis Division
2016–             Senior research fellow
2012–2016     Research fellow
2010–2011     Junior research fellow

2002/2010   Human resources referee, editorial secretary, MTI Hungarian News Agency Corp.
2001   Psychologist, Rapid Response and Special Police Services
1999/2001    Psychologist, National Institute of Rehabilitation

 Education and courses 

2015   PhD
Faculty of Law, Department of Criminology, Eötvös Loránd University
Title of doctoral thesis: „Special prevention and desistence”
2000/2005   MA
Master’s degree in law, Faculty of Law, Eötvös Loránd University
1994/1999    MA
Master’s degree in psychology, Faculty of Arts, Eötvös Loránd University

 Educational activities 

2020   Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Deák Ferenc School of Postgraduate Studies: Combating cybercrime, corruption and money laundering postgraduate training
2011/2015   Lecturer at the Department of Criminology, Faculty of Law, Eötvös Loránd University


» European Society of Criminology – member
»  Subcomittee on Law Enforcement, Committee on Legal and Political Sciences at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – member (2016–)
» Forensic and Criminal Psychological Section of the Hungarian Psychological Association – member (since 2013)
» Hungarian Society of Criminology – member
» Hungarian Psychological Association – member
» Research Group on Personality, Health and Emotion regulation at the Institute of Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University – member

 Professional Awards and Honors 

2021   Certificate of Merit
2013   Certificate of Merit

 Language skills 

English – Advanced level state accredited type C exam in 1992
German – Intermediate level state accredited combined (B2) exam in 2014



konyv             PUBLICATIONS  





Sexual violence against minors undre the age of twelve
[A tizenkettedik életévét be nem töltött személy sérelmére elkövetett szexuális erőszak]

About violence against children in light of research. Conference of the Victimology Section of the Hungarian Society of Criminology, Budapest, 21.02.2020.

Sexual violence against minors in light of the results of a research based on criminal case-file analysis
[A tizenkét éven aluliak sérelmére elkövetett szexuális erőszak egy aktakutatás eredményei tükrében]

Scientific Session of the Hungarian Society of Criminology, Budapest, 04.04.2019.

The link between explicit and implicit self-esteem and aggression among juvenile offenders
Challenges for criminal psychology in times of insecurity and globalization. MPI-OKRI workshop. Max-Planck-Insitut, Freiburg, 13.03.2018.

The relationship between implicit and explicit self-esteem and aggression among juvenile offenders
[Az explicit és implicit önértékelés kapcsolata az agresszióval fiatalkorú bűnelkövetők körében]
(with: Anna Józan, Edina Szabó, Attila Galambos, Andrea Eisinger, Anna Magi, Gyöngyi Kökönyei)
Hungarian Psychological Association XXIV. Annual Conference, Eger, May 28-30, 2015. (Book of Abstracts, p. 158.)

Delinquent girls in Hungary: legal provisions, statistics and treatment (with: György Virág)
COST Workshop (Girls and violence), Rennes, 06.01.2014.

Conditions and obstacles of introducing special treatment programmes in Hungary (with: Katalin Parti)
Developing sexual offender laws and treatment in Europe. Political and legal trends and new paths in treatment strategies for sexual offenders, Freiburg, 16.05.2013. Freiburg, MPI-OKRI workshop

Psychological correlates of self-control and deviance in a sample of Hungarian secondary school students: Results from a pilot study (with: A. T. Vazsonyi, J. Boros, A. Eisinger, A. Magi, E. Szabó, G. Varga, A. Galambos, Gy. Kökönyei)
European Society of Criminology (ESC) annual conference, Budapest, September 4–7.

An exploratory pilot study on tertiary prevention practice in Hungarian penalinstitutions (with: Andrea Borbíró)
European Society of Criminology (ESC) annual conference, Bilbao, September 11–14., 2012 szeptember 14. (Book és abstracts p. 193.)

Good practices and interventions for the prevention of alcohol use among juveniles in Europe: Hungary
AAA Prevent workshop, Prague, 01.03.2012.
















Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


12 June

Internal professional forum

Relationship between the accused and the victim

Presenter: Anna Kiss


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *18 07 2024., 08:52:11.