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bo foto 2016  

Dr. Orsolya Bolyky PhD

Deputy Head of Division,
Senior Research Fellow

Crime Research & Analysis Division          

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 Main research subjects 

» Criminological background of homicides
» Evaluation of mental factors in criminal adjudication
» Juvenile offenders, juvenile delinquency
» Homicide offenders among juveniles and young adults

 Current research projects 

2016  • Legal and criminological background of homicides
   • Application of life imprisonment in Hungarian legal practice, and analysis of the legal practice of parole
2015  • Analysing of sentencing circumstances and punishments imposed in homicide cases, in paticular the application of forensic psychiatrical and psychological expert evidences in judgements
   • Characteristics of Homicide-Suicide Acts (criminological background) – individual research
2014  • Analysing of sentencing circumstances and punishments imposed in homicide cases
   • Risk factors in homicide cases among juveniles and young adults
2013  • Criminological background of homicides committed against more than one person
   • The law philosophy background and everyday practice of the Anglo-Saxon criminal procedures –  with special focus on the issues of the practice of European Court of Human Rights
   • Issues related to the practical application of restraining orders
2010/11  • ISRD-2 comparative international analysis, with the involvement of the Czech Republic, Estonia and Hungary
2007  • International Self-Reported Delinquency 2, comparative international research into latent juvenile delinquency, with the involvement of 27 countries
2003/04  • Childhood of juvenile deliquence – on the way towards criminal carrier

 Highlighted publications 

1.   Bolyky Orsolya: Az emberölések alakulása a hazai és a nemzetközi statisztikai adatok tükrében
Ügyészségi Szemle, 2017/2., 44–71. o.
2.   Bolyky Orsolya: Az emberölés – szabályozási újdonságok és régi vitakérdések
In: Hollán Miklós – Barabás A. Tünde (szerk.): A negyedik magyar büntetőkódex régi és újabb vitakérdései. MTA TK–OKRI, Budapest, 2017, 119–134. o.
3.   Bolyky Orsolya: A terhelti védekezések bírói értékelése emberölési ügyekben
In: Vókó György (szerk.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok 53. OKRI, Budapest, 2016, 64–80. o.
4.   Bolyky Orsolya: A kiterjesztett öngyilkosságok kriminológiai háttere
In: Vókó György (szerk.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok 52. OKRI, Budapest, 2015, 59–76. o.
5.   Bolyky Orsolya: Született gyilkosok? Motivációk és mentális jellemzők
In: Tamási Erzsébet (szerk.): Különös kegyetlenséggel… Fiatalkorú és fiatal felnőtt emberölést elkövetők kriminológiai vizsgálata. OKRI, Budapest, 2015
6.   Orsolya Bolyky – Eszter Sárik – Erzsébet Tamási: Homicides in Hungary: Juveniles and Young Adults
Caiete de Drept Penal, Babes-Bolyai University, 2/2015.
7.   Bolyky Orsolya: A szubjektivitás megjelenése a büntetőjogban
Magyar Jog, 2015. június
8.   Bolyky Orsolya – Tamási Erzsébet: A távoltartás gyakorlati alkalmazásának körülményei
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 2014/4.
9.   Bolyky Orsolya: Elme- és pszichológus szakértő a büntetőeljárásban
In: Bárd Petra – Hack Péter – Holé Katalin (szerk.): Pusztai László emlékére. OKRI–ELTE ÁJK, Budapest, 2014, 97–109. o.
10.    Bolyky Orsolya – Sárik Eszter: A fiatalkorú elkövetők gyermekkora – az elkövetővé válás előzményei
In: Irk Ferenc (szerk.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok 42. OKRI, Budapest, 2005, 327–352. o.

 Professional experiences 


National Institute of Criminology

2020–           Deputy Head of Division, Senior Research Fellow, Crime Research & Analysis Division
2019–           'Acting' Deputy Head of Division, Senior Research Fellow, Crime Research & Analysis Division 
2017–           'Acting' Deputy Head of Division, Researcher, Crime Research & Analysis Division
2013–2017   Researcher, Division of Criminal Law Sciences
2004–2012   Researcher, Crime Research & Analysis Division

2005/08    Assistant prosecutor at Prosecutors’ Office of the Capital, Budapest

 Education and courses 

2012/15    Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Doctoral School (absolutorium)
Expected time of getting professional qualification: April of 2018
Topic: The legal and criminological characteristics of homicide with special focus on the evaluation of mental factors in criminal law
2009   Postgraduate Legal High Examination
1998/2003   Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
– lawyer’s degree
Level of degree: MA
Diploma: 2003
1997/2001   Budapest Business School – College of Commerce, Catering and Tourism specialized in tourism and hotel management – economist degree
Level of degree: BA
Diploma: 2001

 Professional Awards and Honors 

2006   Diploma of successful activity
2002    National Students’ Competition about Drog Affairs – special award from prosecution

 Educational activities 

2013–   Occasional Tuition at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Department of Criminal Law
2013–    Adult education on children’s right at National Documental Centre of Patients’ rights, Social rights and Children’s rights (topic: juvenile delinquency)


2015–    Association of Hungarian Prosecutors – editorial secretary
2013–   Hungarian Pscychological Association – member

 Language skills 

English - intermediate level state language examination certificate, written and oral
German - intermediate level state language examination certificate, written and oral




















Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


12 June

Internal professional forum

Relationship between the accused and the victim

Presenter: Anna Kiss


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *08 07 2024., 09:53:31.