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Dr. Gabriella Kármán PhD
Senior Research Fellow
Division of Criminal Law Sciences                 

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 Main research subjects 

1.    Forensic examinations in the XXIst century
  The use of graphology as evidence
  Automatization in handwriting identification
  New possibilities and perspectives in forensic handwriting analysis
  Traditional forensic examinations in light of the ossibilities of automatisation
  Creditability of expert opinion in light of scientific development
  Changes of credibility conditions in expert evidence in the context of the criminal justice system of the United States
  Latest events in the phylogeny of forensic sciences and forensic examinations
  Factors of the transfer f forensic expert opinions
  Changes of priniciples and methodologies in the fields of forensic sciencies in Hungary in accordance with the accreditation criteria of the EU
2.   Legal means for the protection of cultural goods
(With special regard to the issues of criminal law)
  Forensic methods of the identification of forged works of art false works of art
  Legal instruments of the fight against art forgery
  Art forgery  in the Hungarian criminal justice system
3.   Research on the crimes against intellectual property
4.   Rules of evidence in common law jurisdictions
5.   Risk assessment of the financing of  money laundering and terrorism in Hungary

 Current research projects 

2015 The regulation of integrity testing in the member states of the European Union
  Current issues on the crimes against intellectual property
  Changes of priniciples and methodologies in the fields of forensic sciencies in Hungary in accordance with the accreditation criteria in EU
2014/15  An analysis of art-forgeries in Hungary on basis of some criminal records
2014/15 A case file analysis on art forgery in Hungary
2014 Current issues on the transfer of evidence in European Evidence Warrant and in European Investigation Order
2013 The relevance of the accreditation of forensic laboratories in evidence and evidentiary procedure
  Theory and practice of the common law criminal procedure
2012 Evaluating the risk of the financing of money laundering and terrorism in Hungary (with Ádám Mészáros and Katalin Tilki)
  Reliability as a criteria of the credibility of forensic scientific opinion
2011 Recent developments in the phylogeny of forensic sciences and forensic examinations
  Gnoseology related to the development of forensic sciences
2010 Research on the crimes against intellectual property (with László Tibor Nagy, Ádám Mészáros, Imre Szabó and Szandra Windt)
  Forgery and the identification of forged works of art – forensic scientific methods (with Anna Kiss)
  About new developments of forensic registries on the apropos of the new criminal records act
2009 Changes in the admissibility factors of expert witness testimony in the USA
2006 Questions of the forensic use of DNA profiling
2005/06 New developmental tendencies in forensic handwriting identification
2003 Using DNA for forensic purposes
  Criminal law practice experiences on the protection of cultural heritage
2001/03 Criminal law practice experiences on the protection of cultural heritage
2000/03 The instruments of criminal law and  forensic sciences for the protection of the cultural heritage (with Anna Kiss and László Kriston)
1999/2000  Automated methods of forensic handwriting identification
1995/98 •  Forensic handwriting analysis and graphology in the procedure of evidence

 Professional experiences  

2011–    Head of Working group against art forgery
1998/2003   Research and research organisation, Institute of Graphology
The use of  computer-aided graphometrie methods and taking part in their development
1998–   Researcher, National Institute of Criminology, Criminalistics, Criminalistics Department
(At present: National Institute of Criminology, Division of Criminal Law Sciences)
2019–        : Senior Research Fellow
1999–2018: Research Fellow
1995–1998: Junior Research Fellow
1995/1997   Legal practice at the Prosecutor’s Office in Budapest
(Districts V-VIII-XIII; Metropolitan Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office)

 Education and courses  

2001–2018   PhD course
Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law, Budapest
Principal subject area: Criminalistics
1998   Special Legal Examination
1990/95    Lawyer
The University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law

 Scholarships and Awards 

1993    The Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg (Germany)
Research paper (in German) „The construction of European Criminal Law – Pesented on the example of drug-related crimes"

 Educational activities 

1998/2003    Lecturer, Institute of Graphology
teaching „Computer-aided graphomety” and „Law and ethics”

 Language skills 

Russian – Intermediate state examination, Type „C” (1990)
German – Intermediate state examination, Type „C” (1989)

 Special skills 

2004   Handwriting expert, National Institute of Handwriting Experiment, Eger
1997    Graphologist, Institute of Graphology, Budapest










Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


12 June

Internal professional forum

Relationship between the accused and the victim

Presenter: Anna Kiss


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *08 07 2024., 09:53:31.