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 Presentations held in Hungarian 


Budapest, József Attila Cultural Center, November 25, 2014:
Title of conference: Law enforcement tools for managing violence
Title of presentation: Changes in the law, criminal trends among juvenile delinquents

Oroszlány, long-term shelter for families, October 10, 2014:
Title of conference: Issues of domestic violence
Title of presentation: Juvenile delinquents and the factors contributing to juvenile delinquency

Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Justice, comparative international symposium, May 15, 2014:
Title of conference: Fundamental issues of juvenile justice
Title of presentation: International and Hungarian research projects on juvenile offenders

Budapest, National Center for Patients' Rights and Documentation, May 15 and June 26, 2014:
International research findings on juvenile delinquents: risk factors, trends, tendencies

Budapest, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University, May 3, 2014:
Introduction to the Hungarian criminal procedure

Debrecen, March 6, 2014, organized by the Hajdú-Bihar County Social and Public Guardianship Office, Debrecen Child Welfare Services: “Presentation of the findings of the value survey in Hajdú-Bihar County”

Budapest, National Institute of Criminology, regular session of the Scientific Committee, February 12, 2014:
Risk factors contributing to homicides committed by minors and young adults

Budapest, Faculty of Law, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, November 12, 2013:
Characteristics and goals of pastoral care provided to the Roma population

Székesfehérvár, Kodolányi János College, October 18, 2013:
Training program for legal assistants: “Characteristics of the criminal procedure and delinquency in cases of juvenile offenders”

Budapest, October 8, 2013:
Further training program for social workers in the 1st, 11st and 22nd districts of Budapest, Budapest 1st District Child Welfare Services: “The child as a victim”

Lajoskomárom, Fejér County, Crime prevention conference, October 16, 2013:
Children and minors in the criminal procedure

Szekszárd, Tolna County Police Department, October 10, 2013:
Issues of crime prevention seen from the aspect of juvenile offenders

Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Justice, September 05 and 12, 2013
Training program for judges hearing juvenile delinquency cases: “Research programs concerning juvenile delinquents”

Csurgó, Support and Child Welfare Services, May 31, 2013:
Factors contributing to juvenile delinquency, the characteristics thereof, Small Region Family

Budapest, May 9, 2013:
Jakobinus Hall of the Institute for Sociology, Center for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)
Title of presentation: Findings of the international latency research project entitled ISRD-2

Organized by the Department of Translation and Interpreting, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University,
Part 1, May 3, 2013, Introduction to the Hungarian system of criminal procedures
Part 2, May 27, 2013, Organized by the Department of Translation and Interpreting, Faculty of Humanities

ELTE University's training course for criminologists, April 29, 2013:
On the way toward a criminal career

Conference of the Budapest City Police Department, November 23, 2011:
Correlations between the values and deviant behaviors of youth

Révfülöp, November 11, 2011:
Annual conference of ATOSZ (National Association of Long-Term Shelters)
Title of presentation: Current issues in juvenile delinquency

Budapest, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, May 4, 2011:
Religion and crime prevention seen from the aspect of juvenile delinquents

Budapest, December 3, 2010:
Training to special education teachers in the context of the TÁMOP (Social Renewal Operational Program) project: The moral education of youth – on the way toward a criminal career

Pázmány Péter Catholic University, November 8, 2010:
Faculty of Humanities, presentation held to Psychology majors: Religion and crime prevention

Adyliget, DADA, October 19, 2010:
Educational program on smoking, alcohol, drugs and AIDS, training for police staff.
Title of presentation: Psychological aspects of research into juvenile delinquents

Hungarian Society of Criminology, October 15, 2010:
Title of conference: The challenges posed by globalization in criminal policy
Title of presentation: The difficulties of interdisciplinary research into juvenile delinquents

Törökbálint, 2010:
The use of the restorative approach in crime prevention

Budapest, 2009:
Dilemmas of socialization in the early 21st century

Kaposvár, Conference for criminal judges, 2005:
The history of childhood and the childhood of history

Sopron, 2002:
The problems of the Hungarian school system in the period of joining the European Union

Budapest, ELTE (Eötvös Loránd University), PhD workshop, 2001:
The legal questions of domestic violence from a prosecutor’s perspective as part of the series of lectures held for the ten-year anniversary of doctoral training at ELTE

Ajka, 2001:
Does school make children and teachers sick, or is school sick itself?

Eger, Pétervására, 2000:
Student rights inside and outside the school


 Presentations held in English, involvement in international events 


September 2, 2014:
Balkan Criminology Course, Crime and Criminology in Hungary - Focusing on Juvenile Cases, Dubrovnik and Zagreb University Faculties of Law, Croatia

August 29, 2014, Zagreb, Croatia:
Criminological Research and Education in Hungary – Focus on Homicides among Juveniles and Young Adults, Zagreb University, Faculty of Law

September 7, 2013, Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University's Faculty of Law:
The background of homicides among juveniles and young adults. Social background and general overview of the research

September 6, 2013, Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University's Faculty of Law:
Facts about Hungarian crime and criminology, Balkan Criminology Network

June 28, 2013, Zagreb, Croatia: 
Balkan Criminology: Crime and Criminology in Hungary, foundation session of the Balkan Criminology Network

September 22, 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania:
The influence of traditional, modern and postmodern values on juvenile criminality, presentation held at the conference entitled Rethinking Crime and Punishment in Europe

March 25, 2011, Kosice, Slovakia: 
The importance of values among juveniles in Hungary

March 10, 2011, Prague, the Czech Republic: 
AAA Prevent – workshop, Alcohol and drug consumption of Hungarian youth

February 25, 2011, Budapest, Hungary: 
EUCPN, The question of relevant values in an ISRD-2-related research

September 11, 2010, Liege, Belgium: 
The 10th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Crime and Criminology: from Individuals to Organizations, presentation entitled Bonding and Attitude 

April 26, 2010, Madrid, Spain: 
The questions of juvenile delinquency and restorative justice in Hungary (European Crime Prevention Network, 2010)














Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


12 June

Internal professional forum

Relationship between the accused and the victim

Presenter: Anna Kiss


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *08 07 2024., 09:53:31.