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Dr. Krisztina Farkas PhD, LLM        

Seconded Prosecutor
Division of Criminal Law Sciences

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 Main research subjects 

»   The possibilities of acceleration of criminal proceeding
»   Comparative criminal procedure
»   European criminal law
»    The criminal law protection of cultural property


 Current research projects 

2021  • Participation in the implementation of the research project entitled 'Corruption risks? Risks of Corruption?' (Hercule application) (1 January 2021 – 30 April 2022)
   • The limitation of the right of access to documents based on the interpretation of the law by the Court of Justice of the European Union
   • The limits of using the results obtained through covert surveillance in Hungarian judicial practice
2020  • Effects of the reform of criminal proceedings on carrying out of the proceedings in reasonable time
   • The 'ne bis in idem' principle in the light of the case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union
2019  •  International cooperation in obtaining evidence (with Gabriella Kármán)
2018/19  • International regulations of integrity tests, practical measures following positive integrity tests in the light of investigative and case-law and their comparative study of their experience with Hungarian ones (with Orsolya Bolyky & Eszter Sárik)
2018  • Typical difficulties and viable methods of detecting and proving budget frauds for budgets and funds managed by or on behalf of the European Union (with Renáta Garai)
   • Difficulties in the classification of corruption offences in the light of the relevant guidelines of the Chief Prosecutor’s Office; the latency of these crimes and challenges in detecting and proving them (with Klára Kerezsi & józsef Kó)
2017/18   • Problems of the classification of corruption offenses in the light of the relevant guidelines of the General Prosecutor's Office
   • The law enforcement tool for the protection of cultural property

 Highlighted publications 

1.   The legality and admissibility of evidence in the new Hungarian Criminal Procedure Code with special regard to the defendant’s confession
In: Collection of Papers From the International Academic Conference 22nd – 23rd of February 2018 Constitutional, Statutory and Criminological Attributes for Crime Victims Bratislava Legal Forum 2018. Legal Forum, Bratislava, 2020, pp. 8–20
2.   Az integritásteszt alapjai nemzetközi tapasztalatok tükrében [Basics of integrity testing in the light of international experience]
In: Vókó György (ed.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok 57. [Studies on Criminology 57.] OKRI, Budapest, 2020, pp. 145–160
3.   Farkas Krisztina  –  Kármán Gabriella: Nemzetközi együttműködés a bizonyítékok beszerzésében – empirikus megközelítésben [International cooperation in obtaining evidence – an empirical approach]
In: Vókó György (szerk.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok 57. [Studies on Criminology 57.] OKRI, Budapest, 2020, pp. 216–245.
4.   Kerezsi, Klára – Kó, József – Farkas, Krisztina: Experience of case law related to corruption crimes in Hungary
In: Farkas, Ákos – Dannecker, Gerhard – Jacsó, Judit (eds.): Criminal Law Aspects of the Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Union with particular emphasis on the national legislation on tax fraud, corruption, money laundering and criminal compliance with reference to cybercrime. Wolters Kluwer, Budapest, 2019, pp. 466–474
5.   Towards common minimum standards for fundamental rights protection throughout EU legislation
In: Criminal Law as Ultima Ratio – Substantive and Procedural Aspects. Collection of Papers from 1th section the International Academic Conference Legal Forum 21th–22th of October 2016. Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law, Bratislava, 2016, pp. 53–61
6.   Effective Remedies for Excessive Length of Criminal Proceeding in Respect of International Requirements and the Hungarian Solution
In: Daniela Čičkánová – Ivana Hapčová – Vladislav Mičátek (eds.): Bratislava Legal Forum 2015: Collection of Papers from the International Academic Conference Bratislava Legal Forum 2015. Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law, Bratislava, 2015. pp. 603–309
7.   Verfahrensabsprachen nach der gesetzlichen Regelung im deutschen Strafrecht
In: Miskolci Egyetem Doktoranduszok Fóruma, Miskolc, 2014. november 20. Miskolci Egyetem ÁJK, Miskolc, 2014, pp. 99–104
8.   The possibilities to simplify the criminal procedure in a comparative perspective
In: European Studies and Research, Vol. II. Public Law, International Conference of PhD Students in Law, Timisoara, April 2010. Wolters Kluwer, Romania, 2010, pp. 269–280
9.   Die Strafprozessreform in Österreich – einige Fragmente der neuen Strafprozessordnung
In: Csemáné Váradi Erika (szerk.): Koncepciók és megvalósulásuk a rendszerváltozás utáni kriminálpolitikában. VI. Országos Kriminológiai Vándorgyűlés, 2008. október 16–17., Magyar Kriminológiai Társaság, Miskolc, 2009, p. 122–128
10.   Die Strafprozessreform in Österreich – einige Fragmente der neuen Strafprozessordnung
In: Csemáné Váradi Erika (szerk.): Koncepciók és megvalósulásuk a rendszerváltozás utáni kriminálpolitikában. VI. Országos Kriminológiai Vándorgyűlés, 2008. október 16–17., Magyar Kriminológiai Társaság, Miskolc, 2009, p. 122–128

 Professional experiences 

2017–    National Institute of Criminology, Division of Criminal Law Sciences
Seconded Prosecutor
2015/17   8th District Prosecutor’s Office of Budapest
2016   Prosecutor
2015   Junior Prosecutor
2006/15   14th–16th District Prosecutor's Office of Budapest
Trainee Prosecutor

 Education and courses 

2018   Post-Graduate Specialist in European Law (LL.M)
Pazmany Peter Catholic University (in English)
2016    PhD Degree in Law
University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Procedure Law and Penitentiary Law.
Thesis title: The possibilities of the acceleration in the German, Swiss and Italian criminal justice
2014/15   Legal English Course
Organiser: Office of the Prosecutor General Budapest
2012   Bar exam
2008/10   Professional Language Communication
Debrecen University Centre for Agricultural and Applied Economic Sciences (in English)
2006/09    PhD Studies in Law
University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law 
2004/06    European Studies
Cooperation of the European Centre of the Westfälische Wihelms Universität of Münster and Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc (in German) 
2001/06    Doctor of Law (LLD)
University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law 

 Scholarships and Awards 

2018   Max-Planc Society Scholarship
Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law Freiburg i.Br. – Germany
2016    Austrian–Hungarian Action Foundation Short Research Fellowship
Karl-Franzens University, Faculty of Law, Graz, Austria
2015   26th European Summer School
Scholarship from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Gustav-Stresemann-Institute Bonn, Bonn and Brussel – Germany and Belgium (ten days)
2010   DAAD Research Fellowship
Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law Freiburg i.Br., Germany
2009   Research travel
University of Florence, Faculty of Law, Florence, Italy
2006   Erasmus Scholarship
University of Trier, Faculty of Law, Trier, Germany
2005/06   Scholarship from State Baden-Württemberg and the Hungarian Scholarship Board Office
Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg, Faculty of Law, Heidelberg, Germany

 Professional Awards and Honors 

2017   Pro Dissertatione Iuridica Excelentissima
Award of the HAS Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies as recognition of PhD dissertation
2015    Third place on the Sándor Kozma Scientific Competition announced by General Prosecutor of Hungary
The title of paper: “The Effective Remedies as one of the ways for Excessive Length of Criminal Proceedings in Respect of International Experience”

 Educational activities 

2020   Combating Cybercrime, Corruption and Money Laundering postgraduate training
(Introduction to Criminal Procedure Law and Forensic Sciences; Integrity testing, Asset recovery)
Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law
2019   “Acceleration of criminal procedure from comparative perspective” vocational course
Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law
2013–   Occasional Tuition
at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Department of Criminal Law
2013–    Adult education on children’s right
at National Documental Centre of Patients’ rights, Social rights and Children's rights (topic: juvenile delinquency)


2011–    Hungarian Society of Criminology – member
2011–   National Association of Prosecutors – member

 Language skills 

English – upper-intermediate level
German – advanced (State Language Exam type “C”)
Italian – advanced (State Language Exam type “C”)



   (The Hungarian Scientific Bibliography)  

















Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


12 June

Internal professional forum

Relationship between the accused and the victim

Presenter: Anna Kiss


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *18 07 2024., 08:52:11.