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Dr. Garai Renáta PhD, LL.M   
Research Fellow
Division of Criminal Law Sciences     

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 Main research subjects 

» Domestic violence
» Criminal offenses against relatives
» Child protection
» Crime prevention, victim protection

 Current research projects 

2023 The handling of seized electronic data and the protection of personal data, the procedural status of a copy of seized data and its fate in criminal proceedings
  The possibilities of recovery of pecuniary losses in criminal cases of budget fraud: the compensation by the offender [Section 396(8) of the Criminal Code], the confiscation of assets and the proportion of assets recovered by the tax authority and the avoidance of double confiscation/payment in criminal proceedings (Consultant)
2022 Criminal offences against the national tobacco shops
  Effective techniques for proving the absence of the occurrence of economic events in the field of budgetary fraud
2021 Domestic violence in the light of the case law (enforcement and effect)
  The analysis of the agreements entered into in mediation procedures conducted after 1 July 2018
2020 The theoretical and practical issues of the criminal offence of a failure to provide maintenance (Section 212 of the Criminal Code)
(with Bernadett Csapucha)
  The causes of recidivism and the possibilities of its prevention in the case of domestic violence, in particular regarding violence against one’s partner
2019  •  Assessment of sexual coercion and the crime of sexual violence in Hungarian practice, with particular reference to the concepts of "sexual act" and "coercion"
   •  Issues in detecting and investigating relationship violence
2018  •  Law Enforcement Practices of the Criminal Offence of Relationship Violence
   •  Frequency of permanent disqualification from driving in cases commenced in traffic offenses on the basis of judicial practice
2017/18  •  Typical difficulties and expedient methods for detecting and providing legal proof of budgetary fraud in financial support from European Union funds

 Selected publications 

1.   Garai Renáta – Béda Anikó: A kapcsolati erőszak elmúlt 6 éve – avagy egy nóvum hatása és joggyakorlata [The last 6 years of relationship violence – the effects and practice of a legal novelty]
Ügyészségi Szemle, 2019/2., pp. 6–25.
2.   Garai Renáta: A kapcsolati erőszak bűncselekményének jogalkalmazási gyakorlata – a jogerős ítéletek tanulságai [Law Enforcement Practices for Relationship Violence – Lessons from Final Judgments]
In: Vókó György (szerk.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok 56. OKRI, Budapest, 2019, pp. 30–47.
3.   Garai Renáta: Nemcsak a testnek fájhat! A családi erőszak elleni büntetőjogi védelem lehetőségei [Body isn’t the only thing hurt! Possibilities of criminal law in defense against domestic violence]
Jog és Állam, 2019/24., pp. 131–137.
4.   Garai Renáta: A fátyol túloldalán: szeretet vagy kilátástalanság? [On the other side of the veil: love or hopelessness?]
KRE-DIt, 2018/2.
5.   Garai Renáta: Családi erőszak, és ami mögötte van… [Domestic Violence and What's Behind it...]
Jog és Állam, 2018/23., pp. 63–70.
6.   Garai Renáta: Die strafrechtliche Regelung der häuslichen Beziehungsgewalt in Ungarn – eine neue Strafhandlung im Spiegel der Rechtspraxis
Jog – Állam – Politika, 2018/3., pp. 131–148.
7.   Garai Renáta: Fókuszban a tudomány (érthetően, elérhetően, közérthetően)
Ügyészségi Szemle, 2018/1., pp. 78–93.
8.   Garai Renáta: A hulladékgazdálkodás rendje megsértésének jogalkalmazási kérdései
In: Vókó György (szerk.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok 55. OKRI, Budapest, 2018, pp. 188–204.

 Professional experiences 

2016–   National Institute of Criminology
2019–     Crime Research & Analysis Division, Research Fellow
2016/19  Department of Criminal Law Science, ordained representative of the Prosecutors Office
2004/16   Komárom-Esztergom County Public Prosecutor's Office, Representative of the Prosecutors Office
1999/02   Dr. Tóth Attorney’s Office, office assistant
1998/02   Notary Office, customer service and office assistant
1998   Komárom-Esztergom County Court, office assistant, clerk

 Education and courses 

2021   PhD
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary Faculty of Doctoral Law School, Budapest
Doctoral Dissertation Thesises: The “complications” associated with domestic violence
– The impact and jurisprudence of novel legislature
2019/2020   Specialist in juvenile law
Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest
2009/15   lawyer (JD)
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
2006/09   BA in judicial administration
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
2003/06   kindergarten teacher
Apor Vilmos Catholic College, Vác

 Scholarships and Awards 

2019/20   "New National Excellence Programme" scholarship

 Professional Awards and Honors 

2020 Certificate of Merit
2018  •  Kozma Sándor competition – 1st prize (co-author: Anikó Béda)
Topic: The last 6 years of relationship violence - the effect and practice of a novelty 
  •  Kozma Sándor competition – 3rd prize (co-author: Bernadett Csapucha )
Topic: Practical Issues of Budget Fraud – Budget fraud in financial support from EU funds 
2018  •  Kozma Sándor competition – 2nd prize
Topic: Problems of delineating relationship violence and crimes between persons in a relationship 
  •  Prosecutor General’s commendment
XXVIII. Academic Conference of the Prosecutor’s Office (23-24 November 2017)
Title of the presentation: Waste or garbage? Violation of the order of waste management – a little different 
2016  •  Kozma Sándor competition – 3rd prize
Topic: Invisible Crimes? Material and procedural dilemmas of relationship violence 
2015  •  Kozma Sándor competition – honourable mention
Topic: Anomalies in the Prosecutor's Status in Civil Procedures 
2014  Mailáth György Memorial Contest (OBH) – 1st prize (law students section)
Topic: Duties of a public prosecutor in a civil lawsuit 
  •  National University of Public Service, Workshop on Law Enforcement Theory National Academic Award – Award winner
Topic: Current issues in law enforcement corruption 
2012 •  Kozma Sándor competition – honourable mention
Topic: Civil Law Actions under the Consumer Protection Act. Prosecutor protecting rights
2010 •  Kozma Sándor competition – 3rd prize
Topic: The situation of child and youth protection in Hungary at the beginning of the new millennium

 Educational activities 

2017–   Károli Gáspár University Institute of Criminal Law Sciences – criminal law

 Membership in Professional Associations 

2018–    Hungarian Criminologist Society Section for Victimology – member
2017–    Hungarian Criminologist Society – member
2016–    Civilian Warrant System – victim protection consultant

 Language skills 

German B2 with specialisation on ecclesiastical language (intermediate level) 

 Special skills 

» Administrative management certification by the Prosecutor General's Office
» Data protection certification by the Prosecutor General’s Office
» Secret document handling certification by the Prosecutor General’s Office







Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


12 June

Internal professional forum

Relationship between the accused and the victim

Presenter: Anna Kiss


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *08 07 2024., 09:53:31.