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 Prof. em. Dr. László Korinek DSc       

full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, scientific advisor        


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 Main research subjects 

»   victimology
»   the utility of criminology
»   the operation of law enforcement

 Highlighted publications 

1.   Korinek, László: Utópia
In: Gaál, Gyula – Hautzinger, Zoltán (eds.): Gondolatok a rendészettudományról. Írások a Magyar Rendészettudományi Társaság megalapításának tizenötödik évfordulója alkalmából. Magyar Rendészettudományi Társaság, Budapest, 2019, pp 181–189.
2.   Finszter, Géza – Korinek, László: A rend kedvéért
Self-published. Budapest, 2019
3.   Korinek, László: A bűnözés haszna
Magyar Jog, 2018/5., pp 266–271.
4.   Korinek, László: Az ártatlanság félelme
Jogtudományi Közlöny, 2017/7–8., pp 309–321.
5.   Korinek, László: Az Innocence Project
In: Barabás, A. Tünde – Vókó, György (eds.): A bonis bona discere. Anniversary publication in honour of Ervin Belovics on his 60th birthday. OKRI–PPKE, Budapest, 2017, pp 333–353.
6.   Korinek, László: A viktimológia esélyei és veszélyei
In: Hack, Péter – Horváth, Georgina – Király, Eszter (eds.): Kodifikációs kölcsönhatások. Budapest, ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, 2016, pp 31–46.
7.   Korinek, László: Kriminológia I–II.
Magyar Közlöny Lap- és Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2010
8.   Korinek, László: Bűnözési elméletek
BM Kiadó, Budapest, 2006
9.   Korinek, László: Félelem a bűnözéstől
Közgazdasági és Jogi Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1995
10.   Korinek, László: Rejtett bűnözés
Közgazdasági és Jogi Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1988

 Professional experience, positions held 

2019–    National Institute of Criminology
Scientific Advisor
1993/2019   Belügyi Szemle
Editor in Chief
1991/1993   Law Enforcement Office of the Ministry of Interior
1990/1991   Ministry of Interior, Deputy Under-secretary of State for Law Enforcement


1971    University degree in law
University of Pécs, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

 Academic Degrees 

2013   Full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2007    Corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1998   Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1996   Habilitation (University of Pécs, Faculty of Law)
1996   Professor and head of department (University of Pécs, Faculty of Law)
1984   Candidate’s degree
1971   University lecturer (University of Pécs, Faculty of Law)

 Academic scholarships and study trips 

1983/2007   Alexander von Humboldt, Freiburg
2007    Max Planck, Freiburg, 3 months
1998   Collegium Hungaricum, Vienna, 3 months

 Professional recognition, awards (year, name of award) 

2011   Decoration for Serving the Public – Gold Class (Minister of Interior)
2011    Simon Wiesenthal Award (Holocaust Documentation Centre and Memorial Collection Public Foundation)
2004   Vámbéry Rusztem Medallion (Hungarian Society of Criminology)
2003   Medium Cross, Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary (President of the Republic)
2002   Fényes Elek Award (Hungarian Statistical Society)
1996   Officer’s Cross, Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary (President of the Republic)
1990   Beccaria Award (German Society of Criminology)

 Educational activities 

1971–   University of Pécs, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
1998/2001    Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

 Scientific memberships and offices 

»     Hungarian Society for the Science of Law Enforcement – Founding President
»   Department IX of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – President
»   Hungarian Statistical Society – member
»   International Association of Penal Law – member
»   National University of Public Service, Doctoral Council – member
»   Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Doctoral and Habilitation Committee – member
»   Hungarian Accreditation Committee – member
»   Roma Coordination Council – member



   (The Hungarian Scientific Bibliography)  

















Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


12 June

Internal professional forum

Relationship between the accused and the victim

Presenter: Anna Kiss


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *08 07 2024., 09:53:31.