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Prof. em. Dr. György Vókó  DSc 





 Education and courses 

2016   Professor emeritus, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest
2012   Doctor of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Title of the dissertation: The restriction of rights of criminal offenders in the social context of the rule of law
2004   Professor, University of Sciences of Pécs
2004   Professor, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest
2000   Habil. Doctor, University of Sciences, Pécs
1998   PhD Degree, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1991   PhD Degree, State Committee for Scientific Decrees (Candidate)
The title of the dissertation: The different aspects of legality and efficiency in prison services

University Doctorate, University of Sciences, Pécs
The title of the dissertation: The legal status of prisoners

 Scholarships and Awards  

»    8 awards won at scientific competitions
2001   Frankfurt, University of Wiesbaden, Ministry of Justice (7 days)
1999   Strasbourg, Council of Europe, Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs (3 days)
1998   Strasbourg, Council of Europe, Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs (3 days)
1998   Geneva, Committee of Human Rights, United Nations – Prevention of Torture (6 days)
1993   Krpacova (Slovakia), International Conference on Criminal Law (4 days)
1985   Varna (Bulgaria) Institute of Legal Sciences, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Hungarian Institute of Criminology (7 days)

 Professional Awards and Honors  

2016   Award „Saint Adorjan”
2016   Honorary citizen of Magyaregregy
2012   Award „Pázmány Péter”
2012   Diploma of Merit „Pro Facultate”
2011   Award „Pázmány Péter”
2011   Officer’s Cross Order of Merit of The Republic of Hungary
2010   Award „Finkey Ferenc”
2003   Award „Pro meritis iuris ob memoriam Francisci Deák”
2001   Award „Kozma Sándor”
1996   Diploma of Merit for excellent work, awarded by the Prosecutor General of Hungary
1987   Distinction for excellent work
1983   Diploma of Merit awarded by the Prosecutor General of Hungary

 Educational activities

1996–   Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Head of Department
Disciplines: Criminal Law and Prison Law (part-time)
1991–2013   University of Sciences, Pécs
Disciplines: Prison Law and Criminal Proceedings Law (part-time)
1991–1995    Lecturer at Institute for Postgraduate Legal Education,
Eötvös Loránt University of Sciences, Budapest
Discipline: Prison Law (part-time)


2015–  » The president of  the Sub-committee for Prison Law of the Committee of Law and Political Sciences at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  » Editor in Chief of Online Journal of the General Prosecution (Ügyészségi Szemle)
2001– » Hungarians Lawyer’s Association, President of National Section of Prison Law
  » Founding Member of the Hungarian Society of Criminology
  » President of editorial board of a legal review; Member of the editorial board of two legal reviews, Legal Reader and Legal Publisher
  » Journal of Prosecutors, Member of the editorial board
1999– » Founding Member, Hungarian Association of Prosecutors, President of Section of Deontology
  » Founding Member of the Hungarian Society of Prison Law, Member of Presidency Head of Legal Section, President of Section of Deontology
  » Founding Member of the Hungarian Society of Criminal Law, Member of Presidency

 Language skills 

Russian – Italian – Latin – French

 Special skills 


Other Scientific activities

»  Member of Hungarian Accreditation Committee of Institutions of Higher Education (2009–)
» Member of the Committee for Codification of Penal and Prison Law (2000)
» Council of Europe, Organisation of United Nations (1992, 1993, 1994, 1998, 1999)
» Liaison Officer, CPT (1994–2013)
» Member of State Committee for Postgraduate Legal Specialisations (1991–)
» State Audit Office of Hungary (1991-2014)














Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


12 June

Internal professional forum

Relationship between the accused and the victim

Presenter: Anna Kiss


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *18 07 2024., 08:52:11.