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       The Training


Brief summary of the Training session of INVERT

Within the framework of the international project Identifying compaNies and Victims in the Exploitation phase to disRupt the financial business model of adult and child labour Trafficking (INVERT), awarded by the European Union Internal Security Fund programme, we organised a training for nearly 50 law enforcement officers on 17 October 2024.

During the event, police officers, prosecutors and labour inspectorates worked in small groups to develop posters on a specific theme and to process a case.

The training provided the participants with an opportunity to get away from their daily work for half a day, to recharge their batteries, to gain new knowledge, and to get to know each other's work, difficulties and possibilities for cooperation.


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Programmes available »

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       Train the Trainers


In preparation for the training of law enforcement officers (October 2024), an online event entitled Developing a financial model of labour exploitation to identify victims and companies and prevent exploitation (INVERT), awarded by the European Union Internal Security Fund programme, was held on 11 September 2024. The main points of the training modules to be delivered during this training were presented.

The first training material was edited by OKRI, with the participation of Transcrime and Victim Support Europe, and presented at this event. We learned that the so-called INVERT Suite is expected to be operational on a trial basis from November 2024 and how to prepare for interviews with victims, what circumstances and aspects should be taken into account.

Subsequently, Italian colleagues (from Arma dei Carabinieri and Osservatorio Sulla Sicurezza e Difesa CBRNe) presented their investigative techniques in labour exploitation cases, which they also summarised in their own training material.

Based on what was said at the event, specific knowledge applicable to their own legal environment will be provided to both Italian and Hungarian law enforcement officers in training sessions to be organised until October 2024.


Programmes available  »

Supporting Victims of THB
    Montana Cantagalli, Victim Support Europe
arrow Training on the INVERT suite
    Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Transcrime –Joint Research Centre on Innovation and Crime
arrow Train the Trainers
    Szandra Windt, National Institute of Criminology (OKRI)

Related links:




Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


30 October

Internal professional forum

Examination of the crime of extortion

Presenter: László Tibor Nagy


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *25 10 2024., 13:07:17.