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Dr. Eszter Katalin Sárik PhD   
Senior Research Fellow
Crime Research & Analysis Division  

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 Main research subjects 

»  Childhood of juvenile deliquence – on the way towards criminal carrier
» Latent juvenile deviances – the way they perceive
» Age related values. Values cales of 12-17 year old students
» Violent crimes committed against parents
» The examination of juveniles’ valuescale, religion and nationality
» Religion and Romas. The pastorizing tasks of churches and religious communities

 Current research projects 

2017–   Vigilantism against Migrants and Minorities (2017–2018)
2016–   PoMigra Project – Political motivated crime in the light of current migration flows (2016–2018)
2014  •  Youngsters, values, religion and nationality – research into the values and religiosity of endangered youth and juvenile delinquents
2013  • Providing comments on the draft National Crime Prevention Strategy – more precisely, the section on child and youth protection
   • The law philosophy background and everyday practice of the Anglo-Saxon criminal procedures –  with special focus on the issues of court hearings and the right to remain silent
   • The Roma and religion. Pastoral care provided to the Roma population and Roma mission activities of churches and religious communities
2011  • Effective environmental strategies for the prevention of alcohol abuse among adolescents in Europe, the so-called AAA-Prevent Project
   • Criminological research into the aggressive behavior of children and minors (in the capacity of research leader)
   • Latent juvenile deviances and age group values - research into the attitudes of 12-17-year-old students to values (individual research project)
   • International Self-Reported Delinquency 2, comparative international research into latent juvenile delinquency, with the involvement of 27 countries
2010/11  • ISRD-2 comparative international analysis, with the involvement of the Czech Republic, Estonia and Hungary
2003/04  • Childhood of juvenile delinquents – on the way toward a criminal career
2001/02  • Research into domestic violence, with special focus on crimes committed against parents

 Highlighted publications 

1.    Erzsébet Tamási – Orsolya Bolyky – Eszter Sárik: Az emberöléshez vezető út rizikófaktorai fiatalkorúak és fiatal felnőttek körében [Risk factors contributing to homicides committed by minors and young adults]
In: György Vókó (ed.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok (Studies on Criminology), volume 51, OKRI, Budapest, 2013, pp. 130–165
2.   Eszter Sárik: Ifjúsági értékrend és deviancia [Youth values and deviance]
In: György Vókó (ed.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok (Studies on Criminology), volume 49, OKRI, Budapest, 2012
3.   Melinda Gyökös – Eszter Sárik: Herstelrecht en criminaliteitspreventie
Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht. Boom Lemma uitgevers, 2/2011. (11) pp. 43–51
4.   Eszter Sárik: A vallás és a bűnmegelőzés kérdései a posztmodern tükrében [Issues of religion and crime prevention reflected in postmodern thought]
Belügyi Szemle (Journal of Domestic Affairs), 1/2011
5.   Eszter Sárik: The questions of juvenile delinquency and restorative justice in Hungary
Ügyészek Lapja (Public Prosecutors’ Journal) 3–4/2010, p. 87–92.
6.   Eszter Sárik: A fiatalkorú elkövetők gyermekkora – az elkövetővé válás előzményei [Childhood of young delinquents – on the way towards a criminal career]
In: Ferenc Irk (ed.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok (Studies on Criminology), issue 42, OKRI, Budapest, 2005
7.   Eszter Sárik: A kiskorú az áldozat, avagy hol tart napjainkban a hatósági együttműködés a gyermek érdekében? [The problems of the minor victim. Is the co-operation of authorities sufficient for the child?]
In: Ferenc Irk (ed.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok (Studies on Criminology), issue 38, OKRI, Budapest, 2001
8.   Eszter Sárik: Az iskola betegei, avagy beteg-e az iskola? [Does school make children and teachers sick, or is school sick itself?]
Új Pedagógiai Szemle (New Pedagogical Review), 2001
9.   Eszter Sárik: A társadalmi környezet és a gyermekkori kriminális deviancia összefüggése [The relevance of the social environment in childhood criminal deviance]
Belügyi Szemle (Journal of Domestic Affairs), 6/1999

 Professional experiences  

2016–   National Institute of Criminology (OKRI)
Titles: Senior Research Fellow (2019–)
           Research Fellow (2016–2018)
2013–2016   National Institute of Criminology: appointed with effect from February 1, 2013
2012   Budapest Districts 1 and 12 Public Prosecutor's Office
Public prosecutor's appointment: February 1, 2012, Juvenile Prosecutor
1999/2012    National Institute of Criminology (OKRI)
Titles: Assistant Research Fellow (1999–2004)
          Research Fellow (2004–2012)

 Education and courses 

2003    Special Legal Examination
1999   Lawyer's degree
Faculty of Law, Janus Pannonius University, Pécs, Hungary: (level of honor: cum laude)

 Professional Awards and Honors  

1998    Kozma Sándor Scientific Competition of the Hungarian Association of Prosecutors: special award –
Participation in competitions as a student

 Educational activities 

2007   Fall semester, respectively, holding courses in Criminology at the Faculty of Law of Pázmány Péter Catholic University
2005   Fall semester, respectively, holding courses in Criminology at the Faculty of Law of Pázmány Péter Catholic University
2003   Fall semester, holding a seminar called "Juvenile delinquency" at Pécs University's Faculty of Law
1999/2003    holding courses in Criminology at Eötvös Loránd University's Faculty of Law


»  From June 2013, I have been Hungary's national representative in the Balkan Criminology Network (an international academic network).
» I was the deputy national representative of the Crime Prevention Network between 2011 and 2013.
» In the first half of 2011, during the Hungarian EU Presidency, I worked as the national representative of the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN).
» From 2001 and 2004, I used to work as the secretary of the Hungarian Society of Criminology.

 Language skills 

• English – intermediate level state language examination certificate, written and oral
   I am an experienced user of legal English:

  • writing studies,
  • evaluating international competition papers,
  • attending international conferences,
  • and holding presentations, etc. in English.

• German – intermediate level state language examination certificate, written and oral



konyv      LIST OF PUBLICATIONS     













Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


30 October

Internal professional forum

Examination of the crime of extortion

Presenter: László Tibor Nagy


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *10 10 2024., 09:09:32.