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Dr. Katalin Tilki 

Research Fellow

Division of Criminal Law Sciences     

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 Main research subject 

» Environment protection
» Animal protection

 Current research projects 

2022/23   The Hungarian practice of judging the offences of damage to nature (Section 242 of the Criminal Code)  based on the evaluation of the implementation of the EU Directive on the protection of the environment  through criminal law [SWD(2020) 260 final]
2022   Criminal law protection of animals
2021   Issues of the protection of animals through criminal law
2019  • Issues of the detection and examination of the crime of damaging the natural environment
   • Analysis of cases involving cruelty to animals closed by a final judgment of acquittal
2018  • The typical reasons for rejecting reports of crimes and terminating the investigation in criminal cases relating to cruelty to animals
   • The frequency of permanent diving bans in cases initiated for traffic offences, based on judicial practice (with Ildikó Ritter and Renáta Garai)
2017  • Lessons learned from criminal proceedings initiated for cruelty to animals between 2012 and 2016
   • Sentencing for animal cruelty in practice
2016   Protection of Animals in Criminal Law
2014/15  •  The activity of the prosecutor performing the environment protection tasks (his additional steps), based on the decisions in criminal cases
   • The experiences of the criminal procedures started from January, 2006 concerning damaging nature (Penal Code 243. §) of the Natura 2000 areas
2013  • Public prosecutor's practice in the field of the environment protection fines
   • The system of assets of taking steps against the plots harming the environment
2012  • Evaluating the risk of the financing of money laundering and terrorism in Hungary
   • Legal and organizational instruments for the acceleration and simplification of the criminal procedure in public prosecutors’ practice in European countries
2011  • Industrial disasters criminality
   • The enforcement of environmental regulations in the authority's perspective
2010  • The role of the catastrophic defense in environmental protection
2009  • The role of the local government in the environmental protection
2008  • The role of the Hungarian Customs and Finance Guard in environmental protection
2007  • The inquiry of the environmental infringement through the activity of the environmental protection authorities
   • The typical reasons of the denunication’s rejection and of the abolition of the investigation because of environmental crime and in criminal actions related to the breach of the waste management’s order

 Highlighted publications 

1.   Tilki Katalin: XVIII. Fejezet. A környezet büntetőjogi védelme [Criminal law protection of the environment]
In: Bándi Gyula (szerk.): Környezetjog. Szent István Társulat, Budapest, 2022, pp. 409–424.
2.   Tilki Katalin: A természetkárosítás bűncselekménye felderítésének és vizsgálatának kérdései [Detection and investigation of damage to nature]
In: Tilki Katalin (szerk.): Természetkárosítás a jogalkalmazók aspektusából. OKRI, Budapest, 2022, pp. 49–59.
3.   Tilki Katalin: Az állatkínzás kriminológiai kérdései [The criminology of animal cruelty]
In: Schreiter Katalin – Petrétei Dávid (szerk.) – Tilki Katalin: Támpontok az állatkínzás nyomozásához. Ludovika Egyetemi Kiadó, Budapest, 2021, pp. 35–59. és 173–180.
4.    Tilki Katalin: A feljelentés elutasításának, illetve a nyomozás megszüntetésének jellemző okai az állatkínzással kapcsolatos büntetőügyekben [The typical reasons for the rejection of denunciation and stopping of investigation in criminal actions related to animal cruelty]
Belügyi Szemle, 2019/4., pp. 77–93.
5.   Tilki Katalin: Az állatkínzás miatt indult büntetőeljárások tapasztalatai I–III. [Experiences of criminal proceedings against animal cruelty I–III.]
Ügyészségi Szemle, 2018/1., 58–76. p.; Ügyészségi Szemle, 2018/2., 16–31. p.; Ügyészségi Szemle, 2018/3., 22–35. p.
6.   Tilki Katalin: Az állatvédelem jogi környezete és legfontosabb változásai Magyarországon I–II. [The legal environment and the most important changes in animal welfare in Hungary I–II.]
Ügyészek Lapja, 2017/5., 5–15. p.; Ügyészek Lapja, 2017/6., pp. 5–15.
7.   Tilki Katalin: A természetvédelem magyarországi helyzete és jogi környezete, a Natura 2000 hálózat [Environmentalism and its legal environment in Hungary: the Natura 2000 System]
Belügyi Szemle, 2017/9., pp. 72–88.
8.   Tilki Katalin: A környezetet károsító cselekmények elleni fellépés eszközrendszere [The system of assets of taking steps against the plots harming the environment]
Belügyi Szemle, 2015/5., pp. 74–91.
9.   Tilki Katalin – Dunavölgyi Szilveszter: Eljárási akadályok két környezetkárosító deliktumnál [Obstacles of the Procedure in Case of Crimes Against Environment]
In: Virág György (szerk.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok 45. OKRI, Budapest, 2008, pp. 259–282.
10.   Tilki Katalin – Dunavölgyi Szilveszter: A környezetvédelmi büntetőjog szabályozása egyes európai országokban [Regulation of the criminal law on environment protection in some European countries]
In: Irk Ferenc (szerk.): Kriminológiai Tanulmányok 40. OKRI, Budapest, 2003, pp. 205–229.

 Professional experiences 

1993–   National Institute of Criminology
Department of Criminal Jurisprudence – employee
1992/93    Municipal Court of Szentendre – clerk

 Education and courses 

1994   Bar Examination
1992/1994   judicial, prosecutorial practices

Degree in Law
József Attila University, Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
Dissertation theme: The effection of the media on the mental state of criminals

 Educational activity 

2022   National University of Public Service
– Environmental crime
2021    Pázmány Péter Catholic University
– Environmental crime
2021   National University of Public Service
– Environmental crime 
2019/2020   1st semester, ELTE Institute for Postgraduate Legal Studies
– training in environmental law: environmental criminal law

 Professional Awards and Honors 

2014    Certificate of Merit (Attorney General)




konyv      LIST OF PUBLICATIONS     









Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


30 October

Internal professional forum

Examination of the crime of extortion

Presenter: László Tibor Nagy


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *10 10 2024., 09:09:32.