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Book review









Prof. Dr. Tünde Andrea Barabás

Director, Chief Counselor

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 Main research subjects 

»  Applied Criminology
» Mediation
» Fear of Crime
» Victimology
» Simplification of the criminal procedure
» Alternative Sanctions
» Punishments (especially the imprisonment and the alternative sanctions

 Current research projects 

2022 •  Criminology in Hungary: development and opportunities
  •  Victimisation in the online space
2021/22   Corruption risks? Risks of Corruption? (EU, Hercule III, 1 January 2021 – 30 April 2022) – projectmanager (Researchers: Szandra Windt, Eszter Sárik)
2021   The criminological and sociological background of criminal offences committed against vulnerable people – projectmanager (Researchers: Orsolya Bolyky, Szandra Windt)
2020   Special treatment in the light of the EU’s victim protection efforts (with Anna Kiss)
2019/20   The changing role of the victim in relation to the new legal institutions of the Code of Criminal Procedure (with Anna Kiss)
2019 •  Victimisation and attitudes to fear: an empirical study among university students
  •  Characteristics and trends of crimes committed by women – projectmanager (Researchers: György Virág, Ákos Szigeti)
2017/18   Applied criminology
2017   Theoretical and analytical review of criminal cases launched for the criminal offence of the illegal use of the human body
2015/17   MargIn Tackle Insecurity In Marginalized Areas – EU Horizon 2020 Programme
2009/11   EU Criminal Justice Program: Mediation and restorative justice in prison settings [MEREPS]
2004/06   EU AGIS programme – Crime Prevention Carousel: Sharing Good Practice in Crime Prevention, based on the Evaluation of Physical Rehabilitative and Social Schemes in Problematic Urban Areas in Member and Accession States
2001/06   COST A 21 programme: Restorative Justice Developments in Europe
2001/04    Insecurities in European Cities (InSec): Crime-Related Fears Within the
Context of New Anxieties and Community-Based Crime Prevention within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission
2000/03   European Comission’s Falcone Programme: The identification and prevention
of opportunities that facilitate organised cime

 Highlighted publications 

1.   Tünde A. Barabás (ed.): The dimensions of insecurity in urban areas. Research on the Roots of Unsafety and Fear of Crime in European Cities
OKRI, Budapest, 2018, p. 202
2.    Tünde A. Barabás: Restorative justice in Hungary: a rapidly growing field of practice
Restorative Justice, 3/2015 (3), pp. 387–395.
3.   Tünde A. Barabás: Victimisation and fear of crime
European Police Science and Research Bulletin, 5/2014 (10), pp. 20–23
4.   Tünde A. Barabás: The position of juvenile offenders in Hungary: policy and practice
In: Gavrielides Theo (ed.): Rights and Restoration within Youth Justice. De Sitter Publicatins, Ontario, 2012. pp. 281–319.
5.   Tünde Barabás: The growing violence in Hungary
In: Ksenija Butorac (ed.): Zbornik radova IV. Međunarodne znanstveno – stručne konferencije "Istraživački dani Visoke policijske škole u Zagrebu". Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific and Professional Conference "Police College Research Days in Zagreb". 886 p.
6.   Tünde Barabás: Procedural rights and dignity of victims in Hungary
In: Meditarres. Semestrale sulla mediazione. Mediazione penale e diritti delle vittime, no. 17–18. Edizioni la meridiana, gennaio-dicembre, 2011, pp. 131–158
7.   Tünde Barabás: Victimzation surveys in Hungary
In: Záhora, J. – Kert, R. (eds.): Victims of crime. Bratislava, 2011, p. 211–220.
8.   Tünde Barabás: Mediation and restorative justice during the execution of sentence (2010)
9.   Tünde Barabás: Mediation and restorative justice post-sentence: the Hungarian experience (2009)
Policy and Race Journal, London, September, 2009, pp. 73–81
10.   Tünde Barabás: General victimology, latency
In: Ferenc Irk (ed.): Victims and opinions, vol. I. OKRI, Budapest, 2004, p. 161–201.

 Professional experiences 

1992–   National Institute of Criminology
   2022–     Director
   2017       appointing a Chief Counselor 
   2013/22  Head of Division of Research Support, Documentation and International Relations
   2012       Deputy Head of Department of Criminal Law Division
   1998       Senior official Responsible for Public Relation activity
   1997       Head of Department of International Communication and Training
   1994       Senior Researcher   
   1993       Researcher
1992/93   Researcher, Universität Fribourg, Chair for Criminal Law
1989/92    Chair for Criminology, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law

 Education and courses 

2017   University Professor 
Date of appointment: 15 December 2017
Pázmány Péter Catholic University
2015   Habilitation degree
Pázmány Péter Catholic University
1996   CSc in Criminology MTA (Hungarian Academy of Science)/PhD degree
The title of the doctoral thesis: The limitation of imprisonment and the alternative sanctions
1992/93   postgraduate studies, University of Freiburg
1991   Special Legal Examination
1989/92   postgraduate studies for PhD degree
Scholarship for Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Topic: Mediation
1984/89    Lawyer's degree
Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law – cum laude 

 Scholarships and Awards  

2016   ERASMUS Fellowship – University of PPSUC, Peking, China
2008/11    Hungarian Academy of Sciences’s Bolyai János Research Fellowship
– Excellent results diploma
2007   Max-Planck-Institute für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht
– research fellowship
1998   MTA Sasakawa Young Leader Fellowship (Seoul)
– Study tour and conference presentation
1990/91   University of Fribourg, Switzerland
– Swiss Confederation Fellowship

 Professional Awards and Honors 

2021   General Prosecutor, Kozma Sándor-Award
2018     “For Crime Prevention” Award, Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Hungary 
2015   General Prosecutor, Vargha Ferenc-Award
2013   Hungarian Society of Criminology, Vámbéry Rusztem Medal II. Degree
2012   Hungarian Academy of Sciences’s Bolyai János Research Fellowship
– Excellent results diploma
2003   General Prosecutor, Certificate of Merit
1997   General Prosecutor, Certificate of Merit

 Educational activities 

2015–    Head of Institute of Criminal Sciences at the National University of Public Service
2012–   Chair of Department of Criminology at the National University of Public Service

Continuous teaching activity:

  • Chair of Criminology of Eötvös Loránd University

Invitation teaching activity

  • Hungarian Academy of Justice
  • Hungarian Prosecutor Training Center
  • University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law
  • Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
  • Academy of Crime Prevention


» Hungarian Accreditation Committee Social Science Committee, member
»  Victimology Section of the Hungarian Society of Criminology, chair
» Restorative Justice Section of the Hungarian Society of Criminology, vice chair
» Hungarian Society of Criminology, member of  presidency
» Independent Academic Research Studies London (IARS), member»
  EU MargIn Project, member of the Management Committee
» MTA  (HAS) Public Body, member
» MTA (HAS) Sasakawa SYLFF, member
» MTA (HAS) Bolyai Society, member
» European Forum for Restorative Justice, member
» European Society of Criminology, member

 Language skills 

English – fluent
German – fluent

 Special skills 

»  Researching the different kind of punishments, especially the imprisonment and the alternative sanctions (e.g. mediation)
» Teaching criminology
» Keeping connections with the main criminological institutes and universities from all over the word
» Carrying on personal talks and performances with foreign and Hungarian students and professors Public relation activity








Hungarian Academy of Sciences’s Bolyai János Research Fellowship, excellent achievement award (2011)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences’s Bolyai János Research Fellowship, ceremony  (2011)
Project meetingin the OKRI (2009)
OKRI50, closing conference (2010)
Prison mediation meeting (2010)
Vargha Ferenc-Prize (2015)
Stockholm Criminology Symposium (2014)
"For Crime Prevention" Prize, ceremony (2018)


General Prosecutor, Certificate of Merit (2003)
MEREPS Project, closing conference (2012)
Burglar theft, conference (2014)










Workshops at National Institute of Criminology


12 June

Internal professional forum

Relationship between the accused and the victim

Presenter: Anna Kiss


The event is held in Hungarian.



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  • *18 07 2024., 08:52:11.